We believe in operational excellence and providing the highest quality products to our customers. We work to achieve superior quality and performance in all our products and services. The quality of combustion and strict quality control during harvesting. A team of people specially trained and equipped with modern equipments required for extraction of cenosphere from ash ponds ensuring that best quality material is extracted. Our manufacturing unit is spread in an area of around 1 lakh square feet with latest technology machinery. Cenosphere are manufactured at our plant following the latest international Standards they are processed to very high customer and manufacturing tolerances.
We have state of art laboratory with well qualified and trained person for quality check of the material. Quality of every batch is checked 1st time when receiving the raw material, 2nd time after washing, 3rd time after drying and 4th and finally at time of packing. Each and every bag is separately checked and is okayed only after full satisfaction for quality to meet individual customer’s requirement.
Following parameters are checked before approving product for dispatch
We have long tie up with many power plants which generate best quality raw Cenosphere. This helps us in maintaining the consistency in quality and Quantity. We are a well established company which is operating since 1982 in the belt which has biggest coal deposit and most of Mega Thermal Power Plants in India. This gives us an edge to compare with other companies in procurement of raw cenosphere.
We procure raw material from ash dykes of power plants where best quality cenosphereis generated. Proper sampling and testing is done of each lot of raw cenosphere before it is lifted from the power plant. This work is performed by our well equipped and experienced workforce.